Spending and Student Achievement
This raises some interesting issues. Since we know that money does not directly affect scores, we want to find out what other possible factors could influence the variables. This leads to many unanswered questions; however, we feel several reasons that can contribute to the outcome are as follows: standard of living, demographics, and family income. Just because a state like New York sets aside a large sum of money per pupil, does not guarantee that the money will be used solely for the betterment of the child's education. It stands to reason that many inner city school students are not really serious about furthering their education. Another possible avenue to purse might be just how actively a student's parents take an active role in how the child is progressing in his/her archenemy achievements. A well to do family might have the extra funds available to allow a child to further his/her archenemies by getting a tutor or allowing the child to participate in extra curricular activities like clubs, workshops or field trips.